

编译了以下文档, 写, 并得到董事会的批准是对这一教育梦想不仅仅存在于过去的承认, 但它必须在今天的背景下实现, 帮助进一步培育大学的未来及其教育使命,同时保持与自由卫理公会的伙伴关系. 点击这里阅读更多 网易彩票app阐明网易彩票app持久承诺的过程.

自1891年作为西雅图神学院成立以来, 1915年转入西雅图太平洋学院, 1977年更名为网易彩票下载(SPU), 纵观其131年的历史, SPU一直致力于提供世界一流的以基督为中心的教育,以文科为基础,为毕业生的服务生活做好准备.

With recent debates that have affected SPU collectively and its students, 工作人员, 教师, 校友, 以及扩展的社区成员, SPU的董事会一直在努力阐明一个愿景,满足大学的当代需求和愿望,同时尊重其历史, 任务, 和遗留.

作为大学的基础稳健基督为中心的教育身份在其历史的下一章, the Board has identified seven interrelated enduring commitments that will intentionally, 在战略上, and sustainably shape 决定 and 行动 and determine resource allocations. 在审查了现有文件之后, 完成前期战略规划工作, 收集高级领导团队的意见, 学术领导团队, 以及众多的教职员工, 在这些主要受众之间进行对话, 审计委员会认为,以下所列承诺的结合独特地反映了特别股的优势,并为其未来提供了有意义的指导.

1. 对基督教信仰的承诺

网易彩票下载是一所以耶稣基督的福音为根基的基督教大学, committed to the evangelical proclamation of God’s good news to the world, 依附于历史上的基督教正统, 以卫斯理传统为指导, and honoring its ecumenical diversity for the 精神的形成 of all who make up its community, 无论他们的背景或信仰传统如何.


SPU’s 基督教信仰承诺 are not just its historical foundation. 它们继续影响着目前的工作和未来的规划. 该大学的 faith statement eloquently states its orthodox credal beliefs, its evangelical joy in sharing the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ, 以及对全球教会的承诺. 与卫斯理传统保持一致 信仰声明 is meant to secure both SPU’s commitment to and freedom in Christ. 为此目的, SPU honors the reflection of God’s Church in its ecumenical diversity, welcoming 教师 and 工作人员 from a wide range of Christian traditions.

SPU将继续成为一所充满活力的基督教大学,在那里,对永生神的信仰渗透并激发了人们的欲望, 决定, 以及日常活动. SPU社区, 在所有的多样性中, 根植于对学院基督徒的尊重, 卫斯理, 自由卫理公会信仰承诺, which are communicated clearly to numerous 工作人员 and 教师 past, 现在, 以及未来的社区成员. Students who come to SPU without a Christian faith or tradition are respected, 介绍给, and engaged with the Christian faith and leave with a deeper understanding of Christianity. Campus leadership invests in the 精神的形成 of 教师, 工作人员, 学生们希望所有学生都欢迎并接受基督教信仰,因为他们参与了SPU校园社区.

2. 致力于教育广度和学术深度

网易彩票下载 is committed to rigor and equity in every aspect of learning, 教学, 奖学金, 学生发展, and the importance of its liberal arts core to support these goals. 该大学的 基督教信仰承诺 permeate the curriculum and classroom and animate 奖学金 as an act of vocation.

Dr. 查莉蒂·奥斯本教一门课

SPU继续肯定其强有力的教育承诺, 是什么使它成为一个充满活力的知识分子社区. Prospective graduate and undergraduate students are drawn to SPU for its academic reputation, 思想的多样性, 细微差别, 严格的学习. 认识到 成虫一些 在每个人身上, 上海外国语大学强调与每一位学生合作,以实现他们的智力潜力和教育愿望. SPU recruits Christian 教师 who are attracted to the University’s academic reputation, 它对教员的支持, 以及基督教信仰. 教师处于教育创新的前沿. 大学优先考虑教育的广度, 教师和学生对文科有着共同的意义,以及文科对全面和变革教育的重要性.

Each department consciously works through its curriculum to communicate points of connection with the Christian faith so that students are able to articulate how their 教育 has deepened their spiritual commitments; non-Christian students are exposed to the Christian faith through direct instruction and interaction with 教师 who model and embody the truths, 美德, 和耶稣的一生.

教师和学生奖学金得到支持和庆祝. 在与信仰相关的讨论中,教师是思想领袖,并因其专业知识而受到追捧. As an institution of higher learning within the evangelical Christian tradition, SPU respects the Academy‘s dedication to the free search for truth and its free expression. 这种追求是基督教教师学者的义务,符合SPU对基督教经文和耶稣基督的生活和教导的接受, 在信仰问题上的权威, 道德, 实践, 和学习.

3. 对性格塑造的承诺

相信上帝的救赎目的包括所有人类在创造的世界和历史的连续性与卫斯理信仰,知识是至关重要的虔诚, 网易彩票下载致力于全面和变革性的教育,塑造学生的性格,开启学生的终身智慧之旅.

SPU students study in nearby Gasworks Park |photo by Dan Sheehan

全面的和变革性的教育的目标是引导学生获得判断真理的能力, 保证信仰, and understand differences of opinion with compassionate and winsome conviction. 教师发展规划包含批判性思维, 人物塑造, 美德, 和智慧. 院系课程在通识教育和专业课程中设计了“性格”里程碑和适当的学习成果. 学生们被教导和指导以性格形成为中心,这样毕业生就能在脆弱的地方做出明智的决定,勇敢地行动,以满足世界的需要. 这是网易彩票下载培养“有能力和品格的人”的使命的基础.”

4. 致力于职业准备

通过有意识的职业辨别, 网易彩票下载致力于为学生准备有意义和有目的的服务和领导生活,在上帝的国度在教会的工作, Home, 就业, 社区, 以及其成员服务的其他社区.

An SPU nursing student completes and exercise with a medical dummy

SPU recognizes that God’s call is a lifelong journey of discernment for students and employees and, 引用 尤金·彼得森在同一个方向上的长期服从.” Vocation is more than career preparation; it is an integrated curricular and co-curricular whole-person approach to a transformative and holistic 教育 embedded in “Falcon Formation.”

学生可以清楚地表达职业的神学意义, 您好正义与使命感是一致的. They engage in learning opportunities that prepare them for lifelong service. Christian students are prepared to live out their faith in all life realms.

毕业生在当地社区被视为荣耀上帝的领袖和富有同情心的仆人. 所有的学生都准备过正直的生活. 他们是备受推崇的潜在员工,在校内和校外都有机会发展成为服务型领导者.

The University also intentionally invests in developing a sense of calling for its employees, providing opportunities for robust organizational 社会ization, 精神的形成, 个人专业发展.

5. 委身于以基督为中心的关怀社区

网易彩票下载 is committed to a Christ-centered and caring community that seeks God’s 您好, reconciliation, and justice for all its members and for those with whom they interact and serve. 它致力于培养一个多元化和文化响应的校园,让所有人都有归属感. 作为基督身体的独特表达, SPU strives to be a community willing to listen to one another other, 参与的差异, 容忍不同意见, 用爱心说真话.

学生们在Tiffany Loop聊天

SPU是有意多样化的, 城市, Christian university that reflects the demographics of the city, 地区, 和环太平洋地区. 大学有意招收并欢迎来自各种基督教信仰传统的学生, 很少或没有信仰的学生, 还有其他信仰的学生. 出于谦卑的姿态, SPU将其文化和神学多样性的复杂性和紧张关系与欢迎招生理念结合起来.

The University is committed to the academic success of all its students, 本科生和研究生, and creates curricular and co-curricular programs that develop all students to their fullest potential. 学术课程的设计考虑到不同的学生,同时预测学生未来的需求. 这所大学是有意招聘的, 装备, 保持多元化的师资队伍, 工作人员, 以及教育和服务多元化学生的管理.

SPU致力于多元化, 种族平等, 以及以耶稣基督的福音为基础的和解工作,并作为其自由卫理公会价值观和实践的表达. The University affirms the dignity of, and demonstrates the love of God for, all people. SPU is called by God and empowered by the Holy Spirit to be a just, 公平的, and reconciled community that works toward right relationships between God and humanity, 以及社区之间(哥林多后书5:16-21).

6. 致力于SPU以外的世界

坐落在充满活力的全球城市西雅图, 网易彩票下载 is committed to investing in its 城市 setting and international perspectives, 促进学习, 创新, 以及在教室之外的服务, 包括全球教会.


西雅图 is a robust and diverse global city that offers students, 教师, 并且员工有机会为其经济做出贡献, 社会, 文化, 艺术, 精神活力. 作为一所基督教大学, 神呼召网易彩票app的子民关心城市的福祉(耶利米书29:7),以及人与人之间的相互联系,这让网易彩票app受到启发, 什么超越了民族国家. 西雅图州立大学继续致力于大西雅图地区. 它是邻里和社区伙伴关系的典范, 解决贫困问题, 健康, 教育, 家庭健康, 无家可归的人. The University communicates how its 基督教信仰承诺 motivate its community involvement.

SPU与社区和商业领袖合作, building and strengthening relationships to create mutually beneficial partnerships. 这所大学吸引了顶尖的思想领袖来到校园, including those who bring a Christian perspective to important and timely topics. SPU召集社区, 宗教, and business leaders in the 西雅图 community and globally to generate discussion, 创新, 相互学习复杂的社会问题. 它为教员筹集资金, 工作人员, and students to ethically and reciprocally partner with businesses, 非营利组织, 公共机构, and churches committed to the welfare of the greater 西雅图 area.

此外, as a theologically diverse university rooted in the 卫斯理 tradition, SPU相信神是万民的神(使徒行传17:24-28). 作为全球教会的一部分, we are called to humble and reciprocal learning about the experiences of different cultures, 国家, 以及世界的各个地区. Thus, the University can serve as a witness to God’s Kingdom in the 地区 and across the globe.

7. 对机构诚信的承诺

网易彩票下载 is committed to institutional integrity, 调整重要决策, 行动, and budgetary commitments to the University’s Christian 任务 and vision. SPU clearly articulates its identity to those in and outside the campus community. 通过共享治理进行工作, 大学履行其主要承诺, 解释其开展工作的理由.


SPU以其制度的完整性而闻名并受到尊重. Leadership is transparent and committed to organizational sustainability, 它的预算也得到了精心的管理. 它对教师进行投资, 工作人员, 和设施, ensuring reasonable employee workload and extra-role expectations. SPU承诺只支付(e).g.(公平和宜居的工资). SPU致力于机构评估和数据知情决策,以确保公平待遇和结果.

整个校园都强调可持续发展的努力. 创造关怀被纳入课程, 课余活动, 设施管理. University budgeting takes into consideration sustainability initiatives.